
Focus issues with java7 modal dialogs on mac osx(mac osx 上 java7 模式对话框的焦点问题)
How to set the JFrame as a parent to the JDialog(如何将 JFrame 设置为 JDialog 的父级)
making a modal JInternalFrame(制作模态 JInternalFrame)
How can I make a JFrame modal like a JOptionPane?(如何制作像 JOptionPane 一样的 JFrame 模式?)
Java modal window with maximize button(带有最大化按钮的 Java 模态窗口)
How to stop Java from running the entire code with out waiting for Gui input from The user(如何在不等待用户的 Gui 输入的情况下阻止 Java 运行整个代码)
How to make a JFrame Modal in Swing java(如何在 Swing java 中制作 JFrame 模态)
How to round *down* integers in Java?(如何在 Java 中舍入 *down* 整数?)
How to get the numbers after the decimal point? (java)(如何获得小数点后的数字?(爪哇))
Most elegant way to detect if a String is a number?(检测字符串是否为数字的最优雅方法?)
How to express numbers in scientific notation in java?(java中如何用科学计数法表示数字?)
Fastest way to get number of digits on a number?(获取数字位数的最快方法?)