
Why can#39;t I use SELECT ... FOR UPDATE with aggregate functions?(为什么我不能将 SELECT ... FOR UPDATE 与聚合函数一起使用?)
How to return rows from a declare/begin/end block in Oracle?(如何从 Oracle 中的声明/开始/结束块返回行?)
What is the difference between USER() and SYS_CONTEXT(#39;USERENV#39;,#39;CURRENT_USER#39;)?(USER() 和 SYS_CONTEXT(USERENV,CURRENT_USER) 有什么区别?)
Matching Oracle duplicate column values using Soundex, Jaro Winkler and Edit Distance (UTL_MATCH)(使用 Soundex、Jaro Winkler 和 Edit Distance (UTL_MATCH) 匹配 Oracle 重复列值)
How to loop through a delimited list in Oracle PLSQL(如何循环遍历 Oracle PLSQL 中的分隔列表)
Insert large amount of data efficiently with SQL(用SQL高效插入大量数据)
How to call an Oracle PL/SQL object super method(如何调用 Oracle PL/SQL 对象超级方法)
Have PL/SQL Outputs in Real Time(具有实时 PL/SQL 输出)
MySQL quot;goodquot; way to insert a row if not found, or update it if it is found(MySQL“好如果未找到则插入一行,如果找到则更新它)
MySQL friends table(MySQL好友表)
How do I store orders?(我如何存储订单?)
What are indexes and how can I use them to optimize queries in my database?(什么是索引以及如何使用它们来优化数据库中的查询?)