
What is the idiomatic way in CMAKE to add the -fPIC compiler option?(CMAKE 中添加 -fPIC 编译器选项的惯用方法是什么?)
Change default value of CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG and friends in CMake(在 CMake 中更改 CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG 和朋友的默认值)
How do I add a library path in cmake?(如何在 cmake 中添加库路径?)
Using CMake with multiple compilers for the same language(对同一语言的多个编译器使用 CMake)
How to define a C++ preprocessor macro through the command line with CMake?(如何使用 CMake 通过命令行定义 C++ 预处理器宏?)
Modern way to set compiler flags in cross-platform cmake project(在跨平台 cmake 项目中设置编译器标志的现代方法)
Extending setuptools extension to use CMake in setup.py?(扩展 setuptools 扩展以在 setup.py 中使用 CMake?)
How to use SDL2 and SDL_image with cmake(如何在 cmake 中使用 SDL2 和 SDL_image)
How to read a CMake Variable in C++ source code(如何在 C++ 源代码中读取 CMake 变量)
CMake: How to set up source, library and CMakeLists.txt dependencies?(CMake:如何设置源、库和 CMakeLists.txt 依赖项?)
Combining several static libraries into one using CMake(使用 CMake 将多个静态库合二为一)
The difference between while and do while C++?(C++ while 和 do while 的区别?)