


公司company, 用户name,版本version,main version,minor version


请将下列class文件加入classpath (你要建立同样的目录结构-- de.hunsicker.http.util,当然也可以自己调节包的名称。!):

package de.hunsicker.http.util;

import java.util.*;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class Browser extends HttpServlet
protected HttpServletRequest request;
protected HttpSession session;

protected String userAgent;
protected String company; // Firmenname des Herstellers
protected String name; // Bezeichnung des Browsers
protected String version; // Version
protected String mainVersion; // Hauptversion
protected String minorVersion; // Unterversion
protected String os; // Betriebssystem
protected String language = \"de\"; // Sprachcode Standard
protected Locale locale; // Locale-Objekt mit den aktuellen
// Spracheinstellungen

private Hashtable supportedLanguages; // Untersttzte Sprachen

public Browser(HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession session)
this.request = request;
this.session = session;


public void initialize()
this.supportedLanguages = new Hashtable(2);

this.supportedLanguages.put(\"en\", \"\");
this.supportedLanguages.put(\"de\", \"\");

public void setUserAgent(String httpUserAgent)
this.userAgent = httpUserAgent.toLowerCase();

private void setCompany()
if (this.userAgent.indexOf(\"msie\") > -1)
this.company = \"Microsoft\";
else if (this.userAgent.indexOf(\"opera\") > -1)
this.company = \"Opera Software\";
else if (this.userAgent.indexOf(\"mozilla\") > -1)
this.company = \"Netscape Communications\";
this.company = \"unknown\";

* Liefert den Firmennamen des Herstellers des verwendeten Browsers.
public String getCompany()
return this.company;

private void setName()
if (this.company == \"Microsoft\")
this.name = \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\";
else if (this.company == \"Netscape Communications\")
this.name = \"Netscape Navigator\";
else if (this.company == \"Operasoftware\")
this.name = \"Operasoftware Opera\";
this.name = \"unknown\";

* Liefert den Namen des verwendeten Browsers.
public String getName()
return this.name;

private void setVersion()
int tmpPos;
String tmpString;

if (this.company == \"Microsoft\")
String str = this.userAgent.substring(this.userAgent.indexOf(\"msie\") + 5);
this.version = str.substring(0, str.indexOf(\";\"));
tmpString = (this.userAgent.substring(tmpPos = (this.userAgent.indexOf(\"/\")) + 1, tmpPos + this.userAgent.indexOf(\" \"))).trim();
this.version = tmpString.substring(0, tmpString.indexOf(\" \"));

* Liefert die Versionsnummer des verwendeten Browsers.
public String getVersion()
return this.version;

private void setMainVersion()
this.mainVersion = this.version.substring(0, this.version.indexOf(\".\"));

* Liefert die Hauptversionsnummer des verwendeten Browsers.
public String getMainVersion()
return this.mainVersion;

private void setMinorVersion()
this.minorVersion = this.version.substring(this.version.indexOf(\".\") + 1).trim();

* Liefert die Unterversionsnummer des verwendeten Browsers.
public String getMinorVersion()
return this.minorVersion;

private void setOs()
if (this.userAgent.indexOf(\"win\") > -1)
if (this.userAgent.indexOf(\"windows 95\") > -1 || this.userAgent.indexOf(\"win95\") > -1)
this.os = \"Windows 95\";
if (this.userAgent.indexOf(\"windows 98\") > -1 || this.userAgent.indexOf(\"win98\") > -1)
this.os = \"Windows 98\";
if (this.userAgent.indexOf(\"windows nt\") > -1 || this.userAgent.indexOf(\"winnt\") > -1)
this.os = \"Windows NT\";
if (this.userAgent.indexOf(\"win16\") > -1 || this.userAgent.indexOf(\"windows 3.\") > -1)
this.os = \"Windows 3.x\";

* Liefert den Namen des Betriebssystems.
public String getOs()
return this.os;

private void setLanguage()
String prefLanguage = this.request.getHeader(\"Accept-Language\");

if (prefLanguage != null)
String language = null;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(prefLanguage, \",\");

int elements = st.countTokens();

for (int idx = 0; idx elements; idx++)
if (this.supportedLanguages.containsKey((language = st.nextToken())))
this.language = this.parseLocale(language);

* Hilfsfunktion fr setLanguage().
private String parseLocale(String language)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(language, \"-\");

if (st.countTokens() == 2)
return st.nextToken();
return language;

* Liefert das L?nderkürzel der vom Benutzer
* bevorzugten Sprache.
public String getLanguage()
return this.language;

private void setLocale()
this.locale = new Locale(this.language, \"\");

* Liefert ein Locale-Objekt mit der Sprach-Prferenz des verwendeten Browsers
public Locale getLocale()
return this.locale;



数据库查询哪个对像里面包含什么字段语句写法: select * from sysobjects o, syscomments s where o.id = s.id and text like %text% and o.xtype = P text 换成需要查的字段 数据库查询哪个对像里面包含表: select o.name from sys.all_sql_modules s,sys
一、 创建用户: 命令:CREATE USER username@host IDENTIFIED BY password; 说明:username - 你将创建的用户名, host - 指定该用户在哪个主机上可以登陆,如果是本地用户可用localhost, 如果想让该用户可以从任意远程主机登陆,可以使用通配符%. password - 该
在mysql中可以用group by对查询出的数据分组 select id,service,name FROM service GROUP BY name,service 如果要查看每组数据的总数,可以 select count(*) FROM service GROUP BY name,service 当要查询group by后的总数,可以这样 select count(*) from(s
mysql count group by统计条数方法 mysql 分组之后如何统计记录条数? gourp by 之后的 count,把group by查询结果当成一个表再count一次 select count(*) as count from(SELECT count(*) FROM 表名 WHERE 条件 GROUP BY id ) a; 实战例子: select count(*)
1.首先停止MySQL服务:service mysqld stop 2.加参数启动mysql:/usr/bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables 然后就可以无任何限制的访问mysql了 3.root用户登陆系统:mysql -u root -p mysql 4.切换数据库:use mysql 5.显示所有的表:show tables; 这里就可
摘要: SQL的WHERE子句中包含多个AND和OR 示例: SQL解析器在处理操作时会优先处理and操作: 假如有表product字段如下:id、product_id、product_price、product_name,现在要查找产品号为100或者101,并且价格大于200的商品,程序员可能会这样写: select * fr