dede后台Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes

解决方式一: ( 我用这方式就可以安装了) 打开在.htaccess 文件裡 最上面开头加上 php_value max_execution_time 1200 php_value memory_limit 200M php_value post_max_size 200M php_value upload_max_filesize 200 ... ,魔客吧
解决方式一: ( 我用这方式就可以安装了)

打开在.htaccess 文件裡 最上面开头加上

php_value max_execution_time 1200
php_value memory_limit 200M
php_value post_max_size 200M
php_value upload_max_filesize 200M

解决方式二: (这我就不太会请高手解释)


解决方式三: (这个我试过没什麽作用..请高手帮忙解释)


memory_limit = 8M ;

This error message can spring up in a previously functional PHP script when the memory requirements exceed the default 8MB limit. Don’t fret, though, because this is an easy problem to overcome.To change the memory limit for one specific script by including a line such as this at the top of the script:

The 12M sets the limit to 12 megabytes (12582912 bytes). If this doesn’t work, keep increasing the memory limit until your script fits or your server squeals for mercy.
You can also make this change permanently for all PHP scripts running on the server by adding a line like this to the server’s php.ini file:
memory_limit = 12M
Keep in mind that a huge memory limit is a poor substitute for good coding. A poorly written script may inefficiently squander memory which can cause severe problems for frequently executed scripts. However, some applications are run infrequently and require lots of memory like importing and processing a big data file.


DEDE 织梦cms出现Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in解决办法 解决办法: 在服务器中找到php.ini这个文件(c盘Windows的也要改) 修改max_execution_time = 30 max_execution_time = 30 ; 这个是每个脚本运行的最长时间,可以自
ERROR:Copy Uploadfile Error! 用中文翻译的 意思是:错误显示:拷贝(复制)上传文件出错! 原因可能是上传的文件损坏,或者是上传目录无写权限! 第一:可以尝试上传其它图片。 第二:给uploads写入权限! linux服务的设置办法ftp设置777权限,子文件夹选
今天在做一个站时用到了自定义模型,遇到了些问题,在更新列表页时提示: Fatal error: Call to a member function GetInnerText() on a non-object in E:\www\include\taglib\channel\img.lib.php on line 51 这个错误提示会在更新自定义模型栏目列表的时候
今天用DEDE创建一个栏目时,用到了一个自定义模型。刚开始为了能使一个添加的字段可以在列表的底层模板中获得,就把“前台参数”那里勾选上了,结果在创建完栏目更新网站的时候,遇到了一个致命性错误:Fatal error: Call to a member function GetInnerText(
跟版网在做网站时经常能用到自定义模型,但是今天再在后台完成新建自定义模型之后,更新栏目出现如下错误提示: Fatal error: Call to a member function GetInnerText() on a non-object in E:\www\include\taglib\channel\img.lib.php on line 51 那么该怎
出现这个错误主要是因为后台管理模板路径错误,具体解决办法如下: 在管理目录下找到并打开index_top.php文件,在96行找到如下代码: lia href='javascript:OpenMenu(10,'','file_manage_main.php?activepath=/templets',10)'模板管理/a/li 将其修改为下面的