
In Laravel 5, How to disable VerifycsrfToken middleware for specific route?(在 Laravel 5 中,如何禁用特定路由的 VerifycsrfToken 中间件?)
How to select year and month from the created_at attributes of database table in laravel 5.1?(如何从laravel 5.1中数据库表的created_at属性中选择年和月?)
Laravel 5 Auth Post Submit - TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 46(Laravel 5 Auth Post Submit - VerifyCsrfToken.php 第 46 行中的 TokenMismatchException)
PHP code inside a Laravel 5 blade template(Laravel 5 刀片模板中的 PHP 代码)
Laravel unexpected redirects ( 302 )(Laravel 意外重定向(302))
login event handling in laravel 5(Laravel 5 中的登录事件处理)
disable csrf in laravel for specific route(在 laravel 中为特定路由禁用 csrf)
Maximum function nesting level of #39;100#39; reached, aborting after upgrading to Laravel 5.1(达到最大函数嵌套级别“100,升级到 Laravel 5.1 后中止)
Extend Request class in Laravel 5(在 Laravel 5 中扩展请求类)
laravel errno 150 foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed(laravel errno 150 外键约束的格式不正确)
Laravel 5.4 field doesn#39;t have a default value(Laravel 5.4 字段没有默认值)
How to force FormRequest return json in Laravel 5.1?(如何在 Laravel 5.1 中强制 FormRequest 返回 json?)
When to generate a new Application Key in Laravel?(什么时候在 Laravel 中生成新的应用程序密钥?)
Laravel Blade passing variable with string through @include causes error(Laravel Blade 通过@include 传递带有字符串的变量会导致错误)
Laravel 5 on php artisan config:clear generated Closure::__set_state() error(php artisan config 上的 Laravel 5:清除生成的 Closure::__set_state() 错误)