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        PInvoke 和字符**

        PInvoke and char**(PInvoke 和字符**)

        <i id='3URRB'><tr id='3URRB'><dt id='3URRB'><q id='3URRB'><span id='3URRB'><b id='3URRB'><form id='3URRB'><ins id='3URRB'></ins><ul id='3URRB'></ul><sub id='3URRB'></sub></form><legend id='3URRB'></legend><bdo id='3URRB'><pre id='3URRB'><center id='3URRB'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='3URRB'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='3URRB'><tfoot id='3URRB'></tfoot><dl id='3URRB'><fieldset id='3URRB'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                  本文介绍了PInvoke 和字符**的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  我从某人那里得到了这个程序集,我想在我的 c# 应用程序中使用它.

                  I got this assembly from someone which I'd like to use in my c# application.


                  int __declspec(dllimport) s2o(WCHAR* filename, char** out, int* len);


                  I managed to get it partly working, using:

                  [DllImport("s2o.dll", EntryPoint = "?skn2obj@@YAHPA_WPAPADPAH@Z", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
                  public static extern int s2o(
                      string filename,
                      ref char[] @out,
                      ref int len


                  char[] result = null;
                  int length = 0;
                  s2o("filepath", ref result, ref length);


                  It seems to work partly, because 'length' actually gets a value. Unfortunatly, 'result' stays null.


                  What should I do to get this working?

                  好的,我设法开始工作,将 char[] 替换为 IntPtr,然后像 Nick 建议的那样调用Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi":

                  Ok I managed to get to to work by replacing the char[] with a IntPtr and then calling 'Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi' like Nick suggested:

                  string result = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ptr);


                  However, because of the comments in that same answer I'm a little worried about memory usage. There are no other methods provided in the assembly so how can I clear things up?


                  看看 Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi 方法.

                  或者正如 Centro 在对您问题的评论中所说,PtrToStringAuto 可能更合适.

                  Or as Centro says in the comment to your question, PtrToStringAuto may be more appropriate.

                  复制所有字符直到第一个来自非托管 ANSI 的空字符字符串到托管字符串,并加宽每个 ANSI 字符转换为 Unicode.

                  Copies all characters up to the first null character from an unmanaged ANSI string to a managed String, and widens each ANSI character to Unicode.


                  Also note that you may be responsible for freeing the memory returned from this function.

                  这篇关于PInvoke 和字符**的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Force JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode to serialize node value as an Integer or a Boolean(强制 JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode 将节点值序列化为整数或布尔值)
                  Using JSON to Serialize/Deserialize TimeSpan(使用 JSON 序列化/反序列化 TimeSpan)
                  Could not determine JSON object type for type quot;Classquot;(无法确定类型“Class的 JSON 对象类型.)
                  How to deserialize a JSONP response (preferably with JsonTextReader and not a string)?(如何反序列化 JSONP 响应(最好使用 JsonTextReader 而不是字符串)?)
                  how to de-serialize JSON data in which Timestamp it-self contains fields?(如何反序列化时间戳本身包含字段的JSON数据?)
                  JSON.Net custom contract serialization and Collections(JSON.Net 自定义合约序列化和集合)
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